Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Design View

Use Design View to select your styles, font sizes, colors, images and so on from the Design View ribbon bar.

Images can only be inserted in Design View. To insert an image into your content the image must already exist in the creative. The image must be uploaded via the Upload button in the Files tab on the Overview screen.


  1. Click the image button on the tool bar.

  2. Select the Image Info tab to browse the images stored on your creative.
  3. Click Browse.
  4. Select the image from the list of images associated with the creative.
  5. Click Insert.
  6. If required enter the text to accompany the picture in the Alternative field.
  7. Change the Width and the Height of the picture if required, and apply any borders.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Select the Link tab to inset an image source URL and select the target for the image.
  10. Select the Advanced tab to apply stylesheet classes, styles and so on to your image.
  11. To edit an image right click on it.
  12. Select Image Properties. You can specify the lock aspect ratio icon functionality here. When the icon is in lock state the image aspect ratio is protected.

Click on the image icon to restore the image back to its default setting.

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